In order to become a member of the Guam Home School Association, please do the following:
1. Fill out the Application
Please complete the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION , including the Statement of Faith and Code of Conduct. Membership in the Association requires that members read, but not necessarily agree with, the GHSA Statement of Faith. This policy allows the Association to be inclusive; allowing any family, regardless of belief or background, to be part of the Association. It also ensures that all members are aware of the Biblical basis on which the Association makes its decisions and plans its activities. Although the Association does not require everyone to maintain the same beliefs, doctrines or philosophy, it does require that members agree to and abide by the same code of conduct. This code of conduct applies only during those times and places that GHSA members (to include parents, designated guardians and children) are participating in or supporting GHSA sponsored activities, or when communicating through electronic communication.
2. Pay the Annual Fee
In order to help with ongoing costs of our association, we ask members to give a donation of $50/year, which will help with costs such as our website, PO box, and some of the facility rental fees for major events and activities. You may make your annual donation of $50 through any of the following methods: 1) Make a PayPal transfer from your account to: guamhsa@gmail.com 2) Contact us by email to learn how to send a check. 3) Give cash/check to one of the leaders at a GHSA event. Receipts are available upon request.
3. Join the GHSA Band and Facebook Group
All communication for GHSA is done electronically. Therefore, to know what is happening, please follow the steps below. Please note that in order to join these groups, you must first submit your application and pay your annual fee.
a. Join the GHSA Band Group. Band is a free app that allows you to instantly communicate with GHSA and its sub-groups in a secure, private platform. First, download the app on your phone or tablet. You can also find the app on your computer at https://band.us. Once your GHSA application and annual payment are processed, you will be sent a GHSA Band invite.
b. In your Facebook account, search for the group, “Guam Home School Association”. This is a closed group. Therefore, you will need to click the +Join button.
c. If you would like to be a part of our College Prep Facebook group, search in Facebook for the “GHSA College Prep Discussions” group. This is also a closed group. Therefore, you will need to click the +Join button.
4. Get Involved.
GHSA is strictly run by volunteers. Activities will only happen if members help and participate! Members need to become involved by participating in a minimum of one general meeting and one activity per year. It is essential for each family to contribute volunteer time in order for GHSA to function in a healthy manner. Some various ways to help are as follows: help new members, post Guam happenings in our Facebook and Band groups, give feedback to other homeschoolers seeking advice, coordinate/assist in special events, co-ops, or field trips, etc. If you have a specific skill that you would like to share, please discuss this with one of the leaders.